
Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.

Join us this week for our annual end-of-year virtual conference. During this 3-day, complimentary event (held on January 25, 26, and 27), we will hear insights from leaders in cutting-edge fields such as precision medicine and space exploration to large and small biotech industry leaders, as well as journalists, and new leadership in Washington. Register now.                   

Please continue to share important news and opportunities with us so that we may share it with you, and others who are committed to supporting the careers of exceptional women in science. 

Stay safe and sound, 


Karla Shepard Rubinger
Executive Director
Rosalind Franklin Society 

NASA announces new Chief Scientist, Senior Climate Advisor.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced that Dr. Katherine Calvin will serve the agency in dual roles as chief scientist and senior climate advisor. As chief scientist and senior climate advisor, Calvin will serve as principal advisor to the administrator and other agency leaders on NASA science programs, strategic planning, and policy. Read more. Credits: NASA/Bill Ingalls.

This woman is reshaping our understanding of the living world.
"She could see things nobody else could see—and a lot of them just didn’t fit.” Innovative Genomics Institute’s Microbiology Director Jill Banfield revolutionized our understanding of the microbial world. Get a peek into the mind behind the science in the profile by Hope Henderson in California Magazine. Read more.

'As a black woman in STEM I'm used for photo opportunities'
Cynthia Chapple. Image by Tyler Small.

When Cynthia Chapple was asked to help out with a photograph of a research professor and his staff, she assumed that she would be the one taking the photo. The image was going to be used by the professor for a grant application. "This was an example of 'Photoshop' diversity, when black women are used for photo opportunities," she tells the BBC, "I was being used to show he worked in an inclusive team and to secure him funding. I was embarrassed." Read more.

Student raises more than $70K to start women's scholarship in response to professor's viral remarks.
Ally Orr, a senior at Boise State University, raised more than $70,000 to establish the Women in STEM, Medicine and Law Scholarship. Orr was inspired to do so after viewing a viral video of one of the university’s professors, Scott Yenor, saying “every effort must be made not to recruit women into engineering” in a speech at the annual National Conservatism Conference. Read more.

Professor Sharon Peacock awarded the MRC Millennium Medal 2021.

“Professor Sharon Peacock is one of the world’s leading academic clinical microbiologists. Her pioneering work on pathogen sequencing and her visionary leadership of COG-UK have had a profound impact on national and international policy and played a critical role in the COVID-19 pandemic response. Sharon’s commitment to advancing equality, diversity and inclusion in research by leading women in STEM initiatives has been truly remarkable. The MRC is delighted to recognise Sharon’s achievements by awarding her the MRC Millennium Medal 2021,” according to Professor Fiona Watt, MRC Executive Chair. Read more. 

Eight women astronomers you should know.
Top Row: Hypatia, Andrea Ghez, Henrietta Leavitt, Mary Somerville. Bottom Row: Sara Seager, Emilie du Chatelet, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Caroline Herschel.via Wikimedia Commons/JSTOR

Women astronomers remain a minority and often encounter a lack of recognition, unwelcoming career paths, and harassment. But today women participate and publish in astronomy and astrophysics at higher rates than in physics overall, producing world-class research, writes Sidney Perkowitz. Read more.

The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research announces 2022 Emerging Leader Awards.
The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research has awarded seven grants to promising early-career investigators for projects aimed at addressing unmet needs in cancer research. Each Emerging Leader Award is $250,000 per year for three years, totaling $750,000. Since its founding in mid-2017, The Mark Foundation has awarded over $20 million to 28 early-career scientists with Emerging Leader Awards. Read more.

Dillard University Virtual Town Hall: Successes in STEM Education, Research, and Workforce Preparedness.
During this town hall event, you will hear from faculty and leaders about the strategies that have enabled Dillard students to realize their dreams of entering and succeeding in STEM professions. This event is one in a series of town halls the National Academies is conducting in collaboration with Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) to promote the findings of the 2019 National Academies report, Minority Serving Institutions: America’s Underutilized Resource for Strengthening the STEM Workforce. Read more.

These scientists are racing to beat omicron.
HHMI scientists are joining many of their colleagues worldwide in working to combat the new coronavirus. They’re developing diagnostic testing, understanding the virus’s basic biology, modeling the epidemiology, and developing potential therapies or vaccines. Read more.

Deborah Nickerson, pioneering genome researcher, dies at 67.
Deborah Nickerson, a human genomics researcher who helped discover genes responsible for cardiovascular disease, autism and Miller syndrome, a rare condition that causes malformations of the face and limbs, died on Dec. 24 at her home in Seattle, Richard Sandomir reports. Read more.

Cancer researcher Beatrice Mintz Dies at 100.
Beatrice Mintz. Photo: Fox Chase Cancer Center/The Scientist.

Beatrice Mintz, a pioneering cancer researcher and developmental biologist whose findings helped pave the way for less harmful chemotherapy and radiation treatments, died on January 3 in her home in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. She was 100 years old, Natalia Mesa reports. Read more.

Rosalind Franklin Mars rover set for September launch after landing tests.
The UK-built ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover is set for launch in September after a series of successful tests, including driving off its landing platform. “The Rosalind Franklin rover showcases some of the best of the UK’s space sector and its search for signs of life on Mars will inspire future generations of scientists and engineers,” said Sue Horne, head of space exploration at the UK Space Agency (UKSA). Read more.

Are you changing the world? Do you know a woman who is? JOURNEY is accepting Fellow nominations and applications!
JOURNEY is accepting Fellow nominations and applications. They are seeking applications and nominations for accomplished innovators who have exceptional potential to achieve higher levels of power and make sustainable impact. Read more.

A physicist’s lessons about race, power, and the universe.

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a professor at the University of New Hampshire, explores how society and physics influence each other in her book The Disordered Cosmos. Neel Dhanesha recently asked Prescod-Weinstein about being one of the few Black women in her field, how concepts from physics apply to our lives, and why dark matter is a complicated metaphor. Photo courtesy of Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (via Vox). Read more.

The Angelika Amon Young Scientist Award.
The Angelika Amon Young Scientist Award at MIT's Koch Institute is an endowed prize established in 2021 by family and friends to support two graduate students from institutions outside the United States who embody Dr. Amon’s infectious enthusiasm for discovery science. The Amon Young Scientist Awards are open to applications from mid- to late-stage graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in the life sciences or biomedical research at non-US institutions. And she was a distinguished member of the RFS Board. Read more.

2020 Pearl Birnbaum Hurwitz Award Ceremony honors Hoonani (Nani) Cuadrado.
This special virtual ceremony celebrates Hoonani (Nani) Cuadrado, the 2020 recipient of the Gold Foundation’s Pearl Birnbaum Hurwitz Humanism in Healthcare Award. This prestigious annual award honors a woman who exemplifies humanism and has advanced, through her scholarship, advocacy, leadership or work, the well-being of underserved or at-risk populations in the healthcare arena. Read more. 

Marianna Limas, Social Media Manager
Nilda Rivera, Partnership and Events Manager


Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.

The perseverance of women in science has been on full display this past year: they have made seminal scientific discoveries, taken up new leadership positions, started companies, and led the charge in the fight against COVID-19.

The Rosalind Franklin Society, celebrates these accomplishments, and many more, by recognizing, fostering, and advancing critical contributions from women in the life sciences and affiliated disciplines in the annual virtual conference Labs, Leaders, Critical Connections.
From groundbreaking research to prestigious awards and recognition, this free virtual event provides you with incredible access to emerging stars as well as those who continue to lead the way.

This free event will take place online over three half-days: January 25th, 26th and 27th, 2022 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm ET. 
Please continue to share important news and opportunities with us so that we may share it with you, and others who are committed to supporting the careers of exceptional women in science. 

Stay safe and sound

Karla Shepard Rubinger
Executive Director
Rosalind Franklin Society


 Calling all postdoc women in science! Applications for the 2022 L'Oréal USA For Women in Science fellows are now open.

The L’Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program awards five women postdoctoral scientists annually with grants of $60,000 each for their contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations. Read more. Image: The 2021 L'Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellows.

Elizabeth Holmes verdict: researchers share lessons for science.
Elizabeth Holmes, the infamous biotech chief executive who promised to revolutionize blood testing, has been found guilty of fraud. The precedent set by the jury’s verdict in the Holmes case might ultimately compel biotech entrepreneurs to be more cautious — and honest — in their approach to investors, writes Emily Waltz. Read more.

Board diversity increased in 2021. Some ask what took so long.

Paula T. Hammond, who heads the chemical engineering department at MIT, was first sounded out about joining the board of a public company in 2020. Photo by Lauren O’Neil for The New York Times.

Under pressure to achieve more diversity in senior ranks — from advocates for social change and, at times, their own employees — companies appear to be discovering that a big talent pool of nonwhite people and women for board seats does, in fact, exist. Paula T. Hammond’s work makes her a natural pick to sit on the board of a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company. Yet it was only in 2020 that Dr. Hammond became a director of a publicly traded company. Read more. 

An evangelical climate scientist wonders what went wrong.
Katharine Hayhoe, whose most recent book is “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World,” has become a sought-after voice for climate activism and a leading advocate for communicating across ideological, political and theological differences, writes David Marchese in an article for the TheNew York Times. “For many people now, hope is a bad word,” says Hayhoe, the chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy as well as a professor of political science at Texas Tech. “They think that hope is false hope; it is wishful thinking. But there are things to do — and we should be doing them.” Read more.

Opinion: I helped develop COVID-19 vaccine, let's reach unvaccinated by listening not shaming.

Kizzmekia S. Corbett is an assistant professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and led the team at the National Institutes of Health that designed and developed an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in collaboration with Moderna. “I don’t go around aggressively proselytizing for vaccines; that would just alienate people. If I did, even some people in my family would have been alienated by now,” wrote Dr. Corbett in an article for USA Today. Read more. Photo by Kent Dayton for Harvard Public Health.

Chemistry textbooks still portray men as scientists while women perform domestic duties.

School chemistry books overwhelmingly focus on men, and when women are included they are often portrayed doing domestic activities rather than science, an analysis from the UK and Ireland has found. Read more.

The University of Washington computer science school denounces retired professor’s tweet on women hires.

The University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science repudiated a tweet by one of its emeritus faculty members who claimed that “half of the female STEM faculty in the U.S. were hired over more qualified men.” Read more.

The female ‘data lads’ crunching Covid numbers and keeping us informed throughout the pandemic.

Men have indeed been doing crucial Covid number-crunching, but because the pandemic did start a long time ago but not as far back as the Dark Ages, swathes of women have been doing it too, writes Kasia Delgado. Read more.

Stanford research reveals a hidden obstacle for women in academia.
Analyzing nearly 1 million doctoral dissertations, researchers found widespread bias against research that simply seems feminine, even if it’s not explicitly about women or gender. Read more.

Women in science textbooks.
In a study led by Ellen I. Damschen, the authors suggest that leaving women out of textbooks used in the undergraduate curriculum discourages them from developing their abilities in science. “While most blatant forms of sexism, such as the use of gendered pronouns and terminology, have been removed from modern science texts, more subtle forms, such as omitting contributions by women scientists or issues of central interest to women, still frequently occur.” Read more. 

Marianna Limas, Social Media Manager
Nilda Rivera, Partnership and Events Manager


Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.

The RFS Year-end virtual conference is in the works!

We are in the process of taping an impressive agenda which will share insights from cutting-edge fields such as precision medicine and outer space, from industry including corporate leadership and start-ups, as well as experience from journalists and new leadership in Washington.  

These productions will be shared through broadcast on January 25th, 26th, and 27th, 2:00-5:00 p.m. (EST). 

A link for registration will be posted soon. We know you will want to hear these presentations from prestigious scholars, authors, award winners, government leaders from CDC, OTPS, NASA, and the casting producer from Shark Tank! 

Please continue to share important news and opportunities with us so that we may share it with you, and others who are committed to supporting the careers of exceptional women in science. 

Stay safe and sound

Karla Shepard Rubinger
Executive Director
Rosalind Franklin Society

Vaccine scientists are TIME’s 2021 Heroes of the Year. 

Photograph by Mattia Balsamini.

Katalin Kariko, Drew Weissman, Kizzmekia Corbett, and Barney Graham achieved a breakthrough of singular importance, introducing an innovative and highly effective vaccine platform, based on mRNA, that will impact our health and well-being far beyond this pandemic. And make sure you watch the compelling interview with Dr. Kariko which RFS hosted on July 23, 2020.   Read more.

Shirley McBay, pioneering mathematician, is dead at 86.
Shirley McBay, who in 1966 became the first Black person to receive a doctorate from the University of Georgia, and who went on to be a leading voice for diversity in science and math education, died on November 27 at her home in Los Angeles. She was 86. Read more.

Nature’s 10: Ten people who helped shape science in 2021.
The Nature’s 10 list explores “key developments in science this year and some of the people who played important parts in these milestones. Along with their colleagues, these individuals helped to make amazing discoveries and brought attention to crucial issues. Nature’s 10 is not an award or a ranking. The selection is compiled by Nature’s editors to highlight key events in science through the compelling stories of those involved.” Read more.

Female founders are crashing the billionaire club.
As the women who created Bumble, Spanx, and 23andMe achieve new levels of wealth and success, can they open the door for the female entrepreneurs coming behind them? Maria Aspan and Emma Hinchliffe find out. Read more.

Event: Using Philanthropy to Spark Government Innovation.

Join Ruth Lehmann, Director of the Whitehead Institute, and Jill Shah, President of the Shah Family Foundation, as they discuss philanthropy as a catalyst for government innovation in the areas of nutrition, education, and economic support. What trends in science and technology excite them the most? Which innovations have the potential to dramatically impact the way we live and work? Be a part of the conversation on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM (ET).   Read more. “You can watch Dr. Lehmann’s presentation for RFS here.

Welcome to the 2021 NIH Director's Awards.
Please join us in congratulating the 2021 NIH Director’s Awards recipients. These individuals are being recognized for their outstanding contributions to support the mission of the National Institutes of Health. To browse the 2021 recipient list, visit the website.

June Lindsey, another forgotten woman in the story of DNA.

Her discovery of adenine and guanine’s structure was a key part of solving the DNA double helix puzzle – yet her contributions are almost forgotten. ‘I think that it could be argued that her work was as a sine qua non – without which would not be possible the DNA structure,’ says Alex MacKenzie, a professor of paediatrics at the University of Ottawa in Canada who first met Lindsey at a family birthday party and wrote an article about her in 2018. Read more. Image: The Globe and Mail.

Call for nominations: The Victoria's Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers 2022 Meritorious Awards, in partnership with Pelotonia and AACR.
The Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers 2022 Meritorious Awards, In Partnership with Pelotonia & AACR are intended to foster innovative research aimed at transforming outcomes for breast and gynecologic cancers, while also serving as an investment in the next generation of female cancer researchers worldwide. All award recipients will receive $100,000 and be formally recognized during the AACR Annual Meeting 2022 (AM2022) and Annual Pelotonia Signature Event Weekend. Read more.

Once shunned in Antarctica, female scientists are now doing crucial polar research.
“On top of institutional challenges, scientists increasingly have to contend with public and government hostility—at times even harassment—when they work on socially contested subjects such as environmental science, the effectiveness of gun control and public health,” writes Naomi Oreskes. Read more.

Salk Women & Science.
Salk Women & Science held a virtual event on December 1, 2021, which featured a scientific presentation by new Salk faculty member Assistant Professor Christina Towers on “Blocking Cancer Cell Metabolism” and her lab’s groundbreaking cancer research. Read more.

Check out headliners for London's WOW Festival.
Each year, to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, world-class speakers, activists and performers come together for WOW – Women of the World Festival. Read more.

Female physicians earn an estimated $2 million less than male physicians over a simulated 40-year career.
Analyzing data from more than 80,000 full-time physicians, Christopher Whaley and coauthors found that male physicians earn approximately $2 million, or 25 percent, more than female physicians over the course of a simulated forty-year career. Read more.

BBC 100 Women 2021: Who is on the list this year?
The BBC has revealed its list of 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2021, including 22 working on science & health. Among them are Malala Yousafzai, the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Samoa's first female prime minister Fiamē Naomi Mata'afa, Professor Heidi J Larson, who heads The Vaccine Confidence Project, and acclaimed author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Read more.

New York Life Investments launches impact investing ETFs targeting clean transport, oceans, gender equality.
The new funds, focused on the themes of gender equality, clean oceans, and clean transport expand the company’s Dual Impact family of thematic investment strategies. Read more.

Marianna Limas, Social Media Manager
Nilda Rivera, Partnership and Events Manager


Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.

Please continue to share important news and opportunities with us so that we may share it with you, and others who are committed to supporting the careers of exceptional women in science. 

Stay safe and sound

Karla Shepard Rubinger
Executive Director
Rosalind Franklin Society

House science committee chair leaves bipartisan legacy as she bids farewell. 

U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) Credit: Wikipedia.

Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D–TX) recently announced she would not seek a 16th 2-year term next fall, making her the 16th House Democrat to announce their departure in this election cycle. “Johnson is the first Black woman to chair the committee. Over the past 3 years she has teamed with the panel’s top Republican, Representative Frank Lucas (OK), to stake out a centrist position on a host of challenges facing the U.S. scientific community, from China’s growing scientific prowess to research misconduct,” writes Jeffrey Mervis. Read more.

The gene-synthesis revolution.
Researchers can now design and mass-produce genetic material — a technique that helped build the mRNA vaccines. What could it give us next? These fabulous female founders at Twist Bioscience and Ginkgo Bioworks were speakers at the RFS meeting last winter! Read more. Watch Emily Leproust’s RFS presentation here and Reshma Shetty’s presentation here.

There’s a lot of financial aid available to women pursuing STEM careers.
“Having access to scholarships can help to alleviate some of the burden that women face today, and it is vital to them receiving an education that will get them the same seat at a table as their fellow male classmates,” said Sasha Ramani, associate director of corporate strategy at MPOWER Financing, which offers scholarships to women pursuing STEM careers. Read more.

If academia better supported women scientists like me, I may have opted to stay.
Avika Dixit, director of clinical development at Moderna Therapeutics, encourages institutions to look closely at the challenges early-career researchers, especially scientist mothers, face and develop policies that give them a reason to stay. “We cannot afford to give up on closing the gender gap. The next medical discovery may depend on it,” she says. Read more.

Stereotypes about girls dissuade many from careers in computer science.
In a peer-reviewed study, researchers found that stereotypes about girls’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math – or lack thereof – are fairly widespread among young people today. They also found that stereotypes actually have an effect on girls’ motivation and sense of belonging in computer science and engineering. Read more.

Zena Stein, 99, dies; researcher championed women’s health.
Dr. Zena Stein, a South African-born epidemiologist whose influential work encompassed the effects of famine on children, the health of entire communities afflicted by poverty and the impact of the AIDS crisis on women in Africa, died on Nov. 7 at her home in Coatesville, Pa. She was 99. Read more.

Outcry as men win outsize share of Australian medical-research funding.
According to an analysis, men secure a greater share of medical-research funding than women in Australia’s largest grant-award program, despite applying at similar rates. The issue was first flagged by researchers in 2019; however, this time, nearly 6,000 people have signed a petition calling for the introduction of gender quotas, Holly Else reports. Read more.

MIT Future Founders Initiative announces prize competition to promote female entrepreneurs in biotech.

Despite increasing representation at MIT, female science and engineering faculty found biotech startups at a disproportionately low rate compared with their male colleagues, according to research led by the initiative’s founders, MIT Professor Sangeeta Bhatia, MIT Professor and President Emerita Susan Hockfield, and MIT Amgen Professor of Biology Emerita Nancy Hopkins. Read more.

Inside one designer’s career championing STEM for girls.
Janese Swanson is an American innovator and software developer who has advocated for girls’ education in STEM throughout her decades-long career. She codeveloped the first of the Carmen Sandiego educational games and is the founder of Girl Tech, a first-of-its-kind company that created products to spark young girls’ interest in technology. She spoke to Doreen Lorenzo for Designing Women, a series of interviews with brilliant women in the design industry. Read more.

Why equal representation in science is essential.
“Change has happened, but the glass ceiling is incredibly resistant in research and innovation,” says Alexandra Palt, executive vice president of the Fondation L’Oréal and creator of the For Women in Science Festival with UNESCO, which will celebrate the world’s leading, and most inspiring, female scientists on December 7. Read more.

5 things you didn't know about Marie Curie.
Here are some fun facts about this radiant woman who paved the path for other female scientists to follow: she didn't have a fancy lab, she was a World War I hero, Albert Einstein was a huge Marie Curie fan, and more. Read more.

Deepsea scientist honoured for mentoring of women in science.

Di Tracey, a deep-sea fisheries and ecology scientist at NIWA, has been awarded the 2021 Miriam Dell Award by the Association for Women in the Sciences (AWIS) for her advocacy for and mentoring of women working in science. Photo by NIWA. Read more.

Women Invent and the power of media representation.
To celebrate 20 years of STEM with Silicon Republic, they highlight a very brief sample of just some of the amazing women they have profiled over the years across a range of disciplines from both Ireland and abroad. Read more. 

Marianna Limas, Social Media Manager
Nilda Rivera, Partnership and Events Manager 


Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.

Of special interest, Google Doodle recently celebrated pioneering Indian biologist Kamal Ranadive.

It was the 104th birthday of Kamal Ranadive, an Indian biomedical researcher known for her groundbreaking research on the connection cancers have with certain viruses. Her work researching cancer among women and children inspired female scientists in India to work on cancer research. Read more.

Please continue to share important news and opportunities with us so that we may share it with you, and others who are committed to supporting the careers of exceptional women in science. 

Stay safe and sound

Karla Shepard Rubinger
Executive Director
Rosalind Franklin Society

Susan Hockfield receives prestigious Charles L. Branch BrainHealth Award. 

The Center for BrainHealth® brought together a who’s who of academic leaders, scientists and philanthropists to honor Dr. Susan Hockfield as the 10th recipient of the Dr. Charles L. Branch BrainHealth Award – the Center’s highest science honor. “No one is more deserving of this award than Susan Hockfield,” said Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD, Distinguished Professor and Chief Director of the Center for BrainHealth. “She has been a category breaker her entire career, promoting the convergence of interdisciplinary collaborations to maximize any single discovery. Welcome to the BrainHealth family!” You might be interested in Dr. Hockfield's RFS presentation from last fallRead more.

Study casts doubt on theory that women aren't as competitive as men.

The theory has been touted as a possible explanation for America's longstanding gender wage gap. But new research by UArizona economist Mary L. Rigdon suggests women exhibit their competitiveness differently. Read more.

Senators launch bipartisan Women in STEM Caucus.

Sens. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) are launching a bipartisan caucus focused on creating more access and pathways for women and girls to participate in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers. “We have to change the narrative for young girls, and maybe even for educators, because we want to have them be sure young girls see themselves doing these jobs and these jobs feel accessible,” Rosen told The Hill. Photos: © Greg Nash Read more.

The COVID pandemic has harmed researcher productivity – and mental health.
Surveys show that women, parents of young children and people of color are most affected by pandemic-related disruptions and need more support. Read more.

Promoting diversity and inclusion in STEMM starts at the top.

As leaders of one of the nation’s most preeminent scientific organizations, we have an obligation to enact change within the research community and within our own walls, and to ensure excellence, innovation and DEI in science. We can no longer simply say ‘we cannot find diverse talent’ or that the problem lies elsewhere. We must build our capacity, here at the top of the scientific enterprise, to lead DEI efforts and actively promote new approaches, practices and policies that bring about real results,” write Marcia McNutt and Laura Castillo-Page. Read more.

Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare – 2022 Nomination Form.
The Vilcek Foundation and The Arnold P. Gold Foundation announced an open call for nominations for the 2022 Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare. We are grateful that the Vilceks have been longtime supporters of RFS.The award shines a spotlight on immigrant leaders who have made an extraordinary contribution to humanism in healthcare in the United States. You may nominate any foreign-born person living and working in the United States whose work in healthcare exemplifies humanism and has created lasting and wide-spread change in U.S. healthcare. Read more. 

Carrying forward Marie Curie's legacy in the 21st century.
As we reflect on Curie’s legacy and the progress that has been made, many actions are still needed to prevent and cure cancer as well as to advance the careers of women in science and medicine. Read more.

Lost Women of Science, Episode 2: The Matilda Effect. 
A passionate outdoorswoman, a “rugged individualist” and a bit of an enigma—the few traces Dorothy Andersen left behind give us glimpses into who she was. In this episode,  the Lost Women of Science podcast tracks down people determined to stitch together her life. Read more.

The Top 25 Women Leaders in Biotechnology of 2021.
The accomplished women selected for this year's awards have distinguished themselves through their professional achievements and contributions to their organizations. They represent a diverse range of positions, specialties, and backgrounds. Read more.

The Scientista Foundation is looking for new team members! 
These positions are for anyone looking to get involved with a foundation which focuses on empowerment of those underrepresented in STEM. Read more.

Nancy Hopkins, pioneering biologist and advocate for gender equity in science, wins STAT Biomedical Innovation Award.
“It’s very easy to forget how much progress there has been because we haven’t arrived where we’d like to be. So we see the problems that still lie ahead. But you periodically have to pause and say, ‘Oh, my gosh, look how far we came,’” said Hopkins at the 2021 STAT Summit, where she was honored for her work. And she was a founding Board member of RFS. Read more.

L'Oréal USA announces 2021 For Women In Science Fellows.

This year's Fellows conduct research in the areas of neurobiology, microbiology and biogeochemistry, physics, and materials chemistry. In addition to grant funding, Fellows receive mentorship, career coaching and recognition. Read more.

Legislation would create entrepreneurship center for women in STEM.
Female entrepreneurship is on the rise in Massachusetts, but it needs a boost. Rep. Alan Silvia said he hopes the Abigail Adams Entrepreneurial Act will create a center to provide funding and mentorship opportunities for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Read more.

Scientists question Max Planck Society’s treatment of women leaders.
A group of 145 leading female scientists from across the world has signed an open letter to Germany’s Max Planck Society (MPS), expressing concern over “the highly publicized dismissals, demotions, and conflicts involving female directors of Max Planck Institutes”. Read more.

Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education.
The Action Collaborative's Year 2 Annual Report summarizes the Action Collaborative's collective progress in the 2020-2021 year, identifies areas for future focus, discusses trends in organizations' reported areas of work, and highlights work shared by member organizations and partner network organizations. A complete collection of "descriptions of work" authored by member and partner network organizations is available in the repository. Read more.

Obituary: 'Unsung hero' of science laid the ground work for epic DNA discovery.
June Lindsey played a key role in the discovery of the DNA double helix, but she was never formally recognized for her work. Lindsey died in Ottawa earlier this month at the age of 99. Read more.

One of the billionaire scientists behind the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on what’s next.

Turkish-German scientist Özlem Türeci, who founded BioNTech with her husband Uğur Şahin, was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in March for work developing the BioNTech/Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Abdulhamid Hosbas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images.Read more.

Buck Institute awarded $12.7 million from NIH to join SenNet, Cellular Senescence Network.
Buck Institute professors Judith Campisi, PhD and Birgit Schilling PhD, have been awarded a $12 million grant from the NIH’s Common Fund to join the newly established Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet), a national “tissue and cell mapping” effort involving 13 research institutes. Read more. 

Marianna Limas, Social Media Manager
Nilda Rivera, Partnership and Events Manager

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