Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science. Please continue to share important news and opportunities with us so that we may share it with you, and others who are committed to supporting the careers of exceptional women in science. Stay safe and sound, Karla Shepard Rubinger The State of Biotech Join the Editors of GEN and an all-star line-up of speakers and presenters as they analyze the state of biotechnology circa 2022 – a celebration of innovation, emerging technologies, and clinical successes and an in-depth appraisal of the headwinds and challenges facing the industry. Read more. Gina McCarthy, Biden’s top climate adviser, to step down. Gina McCarthy, President Biden’s top climate adviser, left her job on September 16, just weeks after the president signed a landmark climate bill to slow the pace of global warming. Gina McCarthy previously served as E.P.A. administrator in the Obama administration and had environmental roles under Republican governors. Read more. (Image: Wikipedia) CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna receives inaugural Kimberly Prize. Athene Donald: why even great physicists like her suffer from impostor syndrome. Dame Athene Donald recently admitted to suffering from impostor syndrome. “Yes, she had already established her physics credentials by the time I worked with her, but she was taking a massive risk as well by moving into uncharted, interdisciplinary waters. Being one of just a handful of women in what was then a highly male dominated department at the time didn’t help her confidence either,” writes Matin Durrani, editor-in-chief of Physics World. Read more. (Image by Matin Durrani) Billion-dollar US health agency gets new chief — but its direction remains in limbo. US President Joe Biden has selected Renee Wegrzyn, a biologist and former government scientist, as the inaugural director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), an agency created by his administration to find innovative solutions to biomedical problems. “Renee possesses a rare combination of scientific expertise, practical experience and interpersonal skills that set her apart as a leader,” says Jennifer Doudna, who has served on a bioengineering advisory board with Wegrzyn. Read more. Image Credit: Ginkgo Bioworks. Susan L. Solomon, crusader for stem cell research, dies at 71. Gender pay gap hits university faculty. Behavioral scientists have discovered the secret recipe for team success—gender diversity. Men outnumber women by more than 2 to 1 in US federal science jobs. “How we boosted the number of female faculty members at our institution” To encourage more scientists to translate their research, BioInnovation Institute (BII) and Science award the BII & Science Prize for Innovation. Marianna Limas, Social Media Manager |