
RFS Briefings - June 5, 2020

Dear Colleagues,  

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.  

In particular, we are excited to announce the new Rosalind Franklin Medal. The Genome Writers Guild (GWG) and the Rosalind Franklin Society have joined forces to recognize amazing scientists by instituting the Rosalind Franklin Medal. The award will marry together GWG’s core objectives of facilitating genome writing conversation, collaboration, and exposure with RFS’s goals of enabling more women to achieve higher recognition, visibility, appointments and success in industry, academia, or government. The recipient will be an invited speaker at the Genome Writers Guild annual conference this summer and at the 100th Birthday celebration of the Rosalind Franklin Board Meeting and Colloquium in November, to be held at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. We invite the nominations of early-career women working in the fields of genome writing and engineering. To nominate (or self-nominate), send name, CV and/or Biosketch, and a brief statement of support/justification for review context by June 15th to either:   
                               Erin Nolan ([email protected]), or   
                               Shondra Pruitt-Miller ([email protected])  

In addition, we want to remind you of these other prestigious opportunities as well: 

  • The National Academies’ Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education is inviting abstract submissions for presentations on promising and innovative practices to address and prevent sexual harassment in higher education, with a deadline of July 1, 2020. Read more   
  • Applications are being accepted through June 15, 2020 for the annual Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology, an international award of $25,000 that honors young scientists for outstanding contributions to neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology. Read more.  
  • Applications are being accepted through July 15, 2020 for the Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists, which is presented in four categories: Cell and Molecular Biology; Genomics, Proteomic and Systems Biology Approaches; Ecology and Environment; and Molecular Medicine. Read more
  • The 2021 application period for The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, supporting immigrants or children of immigrants who are pursuing graduate studies in the United States, is now openRead more 

RFS Briefings - May 12, 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science. There is some good reading here as you adjust to new routines and patterns in life at home.

Of note, several opportunities for prestigious 2020 awards are highlighted below:

  •  The Vilcek Foundation is accepting applications for its 2021 Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science, due by June 10, 2020. Three Prizes of $50,000 each will be awarded to young foreign-born biomedical scientists who have shown early achievement in basic, applied, and/or translational biomedical science. Read more.
  •  Applications are being accepted through June 15, 2020 for the annual Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology, an international award of $25,000 that honors young scientists for outstanding contributions to neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology. Read more.
  •  Applications are being accepted through July 15, 2020 for the Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists, which is presented in four categories: Cell and Molecular Biology; Genomics, Proteomic and Systems Biology Approaches; Ecology and Environment; and Molecular Medicine. Read more.
  •  The 2021 application period for The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, supporting immigrants or children of immigrants who are pursuing graduate studies in the United States, is now open.  Read more. 

RFS Briefings - April 9, 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly impacted “how the world does science”, according to an article in The New York Times. “Never before have so many of the world’s researchers focused so urgently on a single topic. Nearly all other research has ground to a halt.”  

In this issue, we highlight the work of women in medicine and science who are working at the forefront of a cure for this disease:

  • Among the scientists seeking to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 is Dr. Kizzmekia S. Cobert, a viral immunologist with NIAID. Cobert, a black scientist who is leading a team to find a vaccine, began her work in January when researchers first learned how easily the disease could be spread. Read more.
  • Some of the most exciting treatments for COVID-19 are emerging based on CRISPR technology, a tool for accurately editing genetic material, developed by Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier. Doudna has recently announced that she is converting her lab facilities for the purpose of viral testing. Read more.   

The fight against COVID-19 has also reminded us, perhaps more than ever, of the historic role of female scientists and physicians in the fight against disease.

  • For centuries, women have contributed to the fight against some of the most significant threats to human health, including AIDS, polio, malaria, tuberculosis, smallpox, and now, COVID-19. Read more.
  • Women’s History Month in March was a time to “salute our brave fighters on the front lines”. Ten ground-breaking women “who have forever changed the fields of science and medicine” are acknowledged in this article. Read more
  • Eight women who “pushed the frontiers of science” with research discoveries are featured by The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in a story published by ONE, the global movement campaigning to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030. Read more.

RFS Briefings - March 10, 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to include another issue of RFS Briefings with some timely and encouraging updates on women in science. Reflecting on International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020, celebrated on February 11, I would like to share the following statement by UN Secretary-General António Guterres:

To rise to the challenges of the 21st century, we need to harness our full potential. That requires dismantling gender stereotypes. On this International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let’s pledge to end the gender imbalance in science.

RFS, with your help, is committed to achieving this goal.

We hope you will consider, and share with colleagues, the following opportunities highlighted in this issue:

  • Applications are being accepted through March 15 for the Science & PINS Prize for Neuromodulation, awarded for “innovative research that modulates neural activity through physical stimulation of targeted sites in the nervous system with implications for translational medicine.” Read more.
  • The National Foundation for Cancer Research is inviting women entrepreneur-scientists in the cancer/oncology arena to enter the AIM HI Women’s Venture Competition, which offers the winner up to $300,000 of seed stage equity investment and the opportunity to participate in the Accelerator program which includes mentoring, advising, and networking. The application deadline is April 6, 2020. Read more
  • Goldman Sachs is accepting applications for its Launch with GS Black and Latinx Entrepreneur Initiative, which aims to increase access to capital and connections for Black or Latinx founders, CEOs, or presidents of fast-growing companies at the forefront of innovation and technology. Applications close on April 17, 2020. Read more.

On a sad note, Rosalind P. Walter, the first “Rosie the Riveter” died on March 4 at age 95. Raised in a wealthy New York family, she worked on an assembly line during World War II, joining millions of other women in support of the troops sent off to war. Read more.


RFS Briefings - February 18, 2020

Please see the addendum below as a brief follow-up to the last RFS Briefings sent to you on February 12th.

save the date for our 2020 meeting at HHMI, November 18-19.

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